Asbestos was once ubiquitous as a form of insulation that it was the primary substance that was used to insulate homes and commercial businesses. Asbestos was a high quality insulation material that was durable and didn’t need to be replaced frequently. It was low in cost and high in efficiency which led to lower heating and cooling costs. Better yet, asbestos was easy to apply and remove and didn’t have many problems with it.
Link to Cancer
Eventually, asbestos was linked to the cause of several different respiratory illnesses such as asthma and infection. Worse yet is that asbestos was identified as a carcinogen that significantly increases your risk of contracting cancer, typically in the lungs. These health risks have led to instances of death and other long term health problems. Further, the link to cancer became so obvious that asbestos was eventually banned from usage and the substance is no longer being used.
Inspections for Asbestos
When an inspection for asbestos is performed a homeowner will have a professional come into their home and search for the substance which is typically only spotted behind walls or in attics, crawl ways, or basements. Some inspections for asbestos will drill through drywall to locate it. As a result, there can be a cost associated with searching for the substance and it is not inconsequential. Given the length of time that asbestos has been banned many people wonder if having an asbestos testing Sydney performed is even worthwhile. There are some notable benefits to having it done which are more obvious when spelled out.
Health Benefits of an Asbestos Inspection
Asbestos is a real killer and is potentially dangerous to your health if left in your home or workplace. Having asbestos removed from your premises can reduce your exposure to the substance and your risk for cancer as a result. This is the main benefit of an asbestos inspection; it can reduce your risk of death or illness relating to the substance which is a major cause of cancer.
Selling Your Home
When you sell your home many home buyers will be concerned that your home has asbestos in it. By having an asbestos inspection completed you will be able to provide them with a document that shows that an inspection was performed and that the risk of asbestos is low. This can lead to you having a higher sale price for your home.
Setting Your Mind at Ease
If you are reading this article you likely have concerns over the presence of asbestos in your home. An asbestos inspection will help to alleviate these concerns and help to set your mind at ease. Having an asbestos inspection is a great stress relief for many and can help you to ensure the well-being of your home.
Best Time for an Asbestos Inspection
The best time for an asbestos inspection is when you are moving into a home and can have the seller cover the cost and any needed asbestos removal. Alternatively, when you are having renovations like drywall replaced and your insulation is clear to the naked eye.