Smoking cigarettes was once an indicator of status in society. In the 1950’s and 60’s, smoking was seen as fashionable or “cool”. This idea has since gone out the window with the realization that cigarettes are incredibly harmful, causing health concerns like throat and lung cancer. While the majority of the world recognizes that smoking cigarettes is a lethal habit, many people still enjoy the sensation of smoking. The recent invention of vaping, or smoking electronic cigarettes, has proven to be a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes.
They Have Fewer Chemicals
The greatest offense of traditional cigarettes are the chemicals and additives that they contain. Traditional cigarettes are comprised of harmful chemicals like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, ammonia, butane, hydrogen cyanide and more. All of these chemicals are known to be carcinogens and are not intended for human consumption. Electronic cigarettes, on the other hand, do not contain these chemicals. The Eliquid used in most electronic cigarettes is comprised of only four ingredients including glycerin and food-grade flavoring. These chemicals are completely safe for human consumption.
There’s No Second-Hand Smoke
One of the great evils of smoking traditional cigarettes is that you expose the people around you to harmful second-hand smoke. When you smoke a traditional cigarette, you exhale all of the lethal toxins out into the air around you for the people in your immediate area to breathe in. While you may be okay with inhaling carcinogens, those around you probably are not. In this area, electronic cigarettes are clearly a better option. Electronic cigarettes are also known as vaporizers because they work by heating e-liquid and producing a vapor or steam. The vapor that is exhaled when smoking an electronic cigarette has shown to be relatively harmless compared to the toxic fumes a traditional cigarette would produce. This is why you may see public spaces allowing individuals to smoke electronic cigarettes.
They’re Better for the Environment
A final benefit to opting for electronic cigarettes over traditional ones is that electronic cigarettes are much better for the environment. The obvious reason for this is that electronic cigarettes are not releasing the same toxins into the air that traditional cigarettes are. Another reason can be found in the design and packaging of an electronic cigarette. By using an electronic cigarette, you are significantly cutting down on the physical waste that is produced by traditional cigarettes. Someone who smokes traditional cigarettes is constantly buying packs of them and then disposing of their cigarette butts, sometimes in the trash but often just onto the ground. The use of an electronic cigarette eliminates this. You have one cigarette that you can use for years at a time.
There are numerous reasons that transitioning to electronic cigarettes is beneficial to yourself and those around you. From the absence of harmful chemicals to the reduction of waste in the environment, it is clear that electronic cigarettes are the safer alternative to traditional cigarettes.
Individuals who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease and other conditions relative to excessive stomach acids have, for years, sought relief by turning to a class of medications known as proton pump inhibitors. The prescription medication known as Nexium, which ultimately became available over the counter, is hailed as one the best medications in this class. Often dubbed the little purple pill, Nexium (Esomeprazole) works by blocking the production of acid in the stomach which is a contributory cause for conditions like stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
In paradoxical fashion, the drug that was intended to alleviate the discomfort associated with stomach acid has been linked to kidney failure. According to a CNN article, 96% of people taking proton pump inhibitors like Nexium have an increased risk of kidney failure, compared to those who took an alternative medicine like histamine H2 receptor blockers. What are histamine H2 receptor blockers? They are medications like Zantac, Pepcid, and Pepcid AC which have also been proven to treat excessive stomach acid. A study in the US National Library of Medicine determined that proton pump inhibitors have been overprescribed in the United States and abroad, and since the first proton pump inhibitor (Prilosec) was introduced in 2002, prescriptions for these medications have doubled.
What does this all mean? A significant number of people have been diagnosed with kidney disease or kidney failure, resulting in a class action lawsuit brought against renown drug manufacturer AstraZeneca. Kidney failure and kidney disease can impede the body’s ability to remove waste and excess water and does not produce symptoms until the disease is in its advanced stages. Due to the staggering amount of people affected, a class action lawsuit was filed in the Suffolk County Superior Court in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In 2013 a settlement was reached, and AstraZeneca agreed to pay $20 million to settle the claim which accused the drug manufacturer of deceptively marketing Nexium.
What should you do if you believe you have suffered kidney failure as a result of using Nexium? It’s recommended that you procure supporting documentation from your doctor, which shows a correlation between your illness and your use of the drug. You will then need to confer with a Nexium lawyer, who will guide you through the process of joining the class action lawsuit. Since a settlement has already been reached, you will be entitled to a percentage of the damages (settlement money) provided that you can prove your health was negatively impacted by your use of the drug. A class action lawsuit is generally filed when there are too many plaintiffs to include in a standard personal injury lawsuit, and because an untold number of people have been impacted, this is the best way to ensure that everyone who has been impacted has a path towards compensation.
When we take any medication, we expect that it will be to our betterment, which is why drug companies have clinical trials. We don’t ever expect that our health would be compromised which is what happened to those who have used Nexium. If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease or kidney failure as a result of Nexium, contact an attorney today.
Buying gifts for men is quite a lot of fun for ladies and other men because it allows them to choose something that their friends and family will enjoy. This article explains to find some cool gifts for guys. There are many rethinks men would never ask for, but they may use these things if they receive them as gifts.
#1: Proper Shaving Kits
Proper shaving kits are fun for men to use because they will get a cleaner shave that comes with the tools and accessories they need. Men who use these items will be quite comfortable with their bodies, and they will have something that makes it easier for them to feel comfortable when they are getting ready for the day. They will use each item because it helps them get a smooth shave, and they may use these things to care for a beard or mustache that they are happy with.
#2: Better Handkerchiefs
Men may use handkerchiefs every day, but they likely do not have nice hankies that they may carry with them to the office. There are many different people who wish to use the hankies every day because they wish to look their best when they pull them from their pockets. These hankies look beautiful, and they are a part of as man’s style that you may improve.
#3: Experiences
You may give a man that you care about an experience that matters to them, and you will find that that he will want to have these experiences with you. You may give him anything from a shooting lesson to a flying lesson. You will find that there are many different experiences men want to try just once, and you may learn that these men have ideas that may lead them to new careers. Getting your man a flying lesson may lead to him becoming a pilot, or you may send him off to a skydiving experience that is exciting for him.
#4: Concerts
There are many different people who are searching for a place where they may have a good time with friends, and you may give your men concert tickets. He will enjoy going to a concert with you, or you may send him to a music festival that he will enjoy. This is quite a lot of fun for men because they likely do not get to concerts often, and they will enjoy the acts that they may not have seen live in the past.
You are giving your men the gifts that will make them feel better about themselves, and you will find that there are many men who will enjoy using your gifts every day after you give them. You will feel better because you have given your friends or loved ones something they will love, and they will have an experience that they would not get for themselves.
As soon as anyone mentions the words cannabis oil or any other byproduct of cannabis, there usually follows a heated debate regarding its use. But the fact is, humans have known for a long time some of the potential medical benefits of the hemp plant in general and cannabis by-products in particular. One such byproduct is cannabidiol or more commonly known as CBD. Research has shown that CBD has very low amounts of toxicity and mostly benign effects. Therefore, ignoring the potential of CBD is slowly becoming unacceptable for many medical practitioners.
What is it and what can it do?
So what is CBD and what is the big deal about it? CBD is one of many compounds present in cannabis. The most famous of these compounds is THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the mind altering compound found in cannabis. However, the average marijuana plant also contains large amounts of CBD, which does not have mind altering qualities, and has a lot of medical potential. Some of the qualities of CBD are antioxidant, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-psychotic and anti-emetic. This means it can be used for treating illnesses as diverse as epilepsy, nausea, anxiety, and even schizophrenia. The following is a more in-depth look at some of the main benefits.
Anxiety relief
Researchers have seen promising results in anxiety relief with CBD experiments. It does this by changing the brains receptors reaction to serotonin, a chemical linked to mental issues. Dosages were given to people and as a result they were able to function better in stressful situations. This makes it promising for people suffering from PTSD.
Studies are showing that CBD (also referred to as CBD vape juice sometimes) effect on inflammation. It has shown to be highly effective for treating chronic pain and neuropathic pain connected to multiple sclerosis.
In trials with patients suffering from schizophrenia, CBD has shown to successful. The pharmacological profile of this drug has shown to be quite similar to other atypical anti-psychotic drugs.
There have been many reports regarding CBD’s capability in inhibiting cancer cell migration, adhesion and invasion. Needless to say, this is a huge find for cancer researchers. Most of the benefits were found in breast cancer treatments. It basically caused cell death for cells affected with cancer. Not only that, it has shown that CBD will not affect cells that are healthy. Other types of cancers it is showing promising results with are lung and colon cancer.
Its been known for a long time that marijuana has anti-nausea properties. Now we know that it is the CBD contained in it that gives it that property. This is helpful for patients who may be suffering from nausea as a result of medical treatments or any other reasons, for that matter.
A recent study was done where 19 volunteers took part in an experiment to treat seizures from epilepsy with CBD. The results were astounding. Out of these 19, 16 of them showed dramatic decrease in seizures as a result.
Since CBD is a cannabis byproduct, it is important to find out if it is a controlled substance in the area you live. Some places it is and others it is not.
There are many uses of the pneumatic fittings. The first use is with a bicycle pump. This pump is used to inflate the tires of the bicycle. The bike pump is going to use mechanical power or a person who is going to push on the device in order for the device to function properly. They are designed to redirect the air so that the air goes into the bicycle tire. The handle of the bike pump will be pushed by the human so the air inside of the cylinder will be pushed to the lower part of the cylinder where the air can flow to the bicycle tire.
The second use is a vacuum cleaner. These vacuum cleaners are going to be the wet/dry vacuum cleaners. This is because they are a specialized form of the wet/dry models that can hook up to the compressed air. This means that they can accommodate for the spoilage of the wet and dry vacuum cleaner. It is a very useful feature of the vacuum cleaners when they are used in the industrial plants and the facilities for manufacturing plants.
The third use is a car shock. These are going to be the hydraulic shock absorbers that are used in conjunction with the cushions and springs of the car. Most of the time, the shock absorbers the energy is converted to the heat that is inside of the viscous fluid. With the hydraulic cylinders, the hydraulic fluid will heat up while they are in the air cylinder. This means that the hot air will be exhausted into the atmosphere.
The fourth use is for the handicapped-access buttons which are going to operate the automatic doors at the front entrance of a building. These systems are going to utilize the power of the air that is under pressure so that it can automatically open up the door. This means that you will be able to manually operate the door easily or utilize the automated part of the door that is proved by the pneumatic cylinder. This is because it is going to use air instead of other electronics. The air can be used in applications that are more hazardous when the electronics cannot be used.
The fifth use is with nail guns. These types of nail guns are not going to have any downward pressure because the compressed air in the air chamber returns so that you can push the piston head back up. The air that is above the head of the piston will be forced out of the gun into the atmosphere. This means that they are going to work very well at driving the thicker nails through the materials that are hard.
The sixth use is a gauge to check the pressure in a person’s tires. The tight sealing piston in the tire pressure guage works a lot like a bicycle pump. The inside of the tube is polished off to be smooth and the piston is made of rubber. This allows it to seal nicely against the tube. The tube will have to be lubricated with oil to improve the seal.
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