Emergency Rush: Six Plastic Surgery Options Available

Emergency Rush: Six Plastic Surgery Options Available

Invasive Beauty Measures

American society places a huge emphasis on physical appearance. The media bombards Americans with images and videos of seemingly flawless people. At the same time, many people personally feel like there is room for improvement in their appearance. While cosmetics, fashion, and accessories go a long way, sometimes more invasive measures are needed and Plastic Surgery in NYC is the best way to get there.

Six Plastic Surgery Options Available


Excess body fat can be stubborn. Despite many people’s vigorous and diet and exercise efforts, body fat does not shed. Liposunction consists of sticking a tube under the skin to vacuum out fat. The most common areas that the procedure is done on are the abdomen, thighs, hips, and upper arm. Recovery time is typically one week to one month. However, the swelling can persist for up to six months following the procedure.


Besides the eyes, the nose is one of the first facial features people notice when looking at a person because it is dead smack in the center of the face. Rhinoplasty consists of any combination of changing the size of the nose, narrowing the nostrils, or changing the appearance in relation to the nose and upper lip. The procedure is common in both men and women. The recovery time is one to three weeks, but bumping the nose and sun exposure should be avoided for up to eight weeks.

3.Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is also known as mammoplasty. It consists of enlarging the breasts by inserting saline or silicone implants. The procedure is most commonly done on women, and breast augmentation is the most common plastic surgery among women. The recovery time is merely several days, but touching the breasts should be avoided for about a month. The price of the procedure is approximately 3,400 dollars.


Face-lifts consist of removing fat, tightening muscles, and reshaping the position of the skin. The recovery time ranges from ten days to three weeks. Sun exposure should be kept at a minimum for several months. The outcome of the procedure is a tighter face. The procedure costs around 4,500 dollars.

5.Hair Transplantation

Hair is merely an extension of the body, but it plays an important social and cosmetic role. The procedure can be done via two methods. One method consists of cutting out areas of scalp to create the illusion of more hair. The second method is sticking hair plugs into the head. The procedure often has to be done multiple times over a year and a half to completely restore the hair. The procedure is most commonly done on men. The cost of the procedure is around 4,700 dollars.

  1. Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion consists of facial imperfections (e.g. wrinkles and blemishes: being rubbed away by a surgical tool that rotates at a high speed to remove top layers of skin. Soft, flawless new layers of skin are revealed after the top layers of skin. Recovery time is two to six weeks, but redness may persist for up to three months. Dermabrasion is one of the cheaper plastic surgeries, costing only 875 dollars.

2018 Best Electronic Cigarettes

2018 Best Electronic Cigarettes

In 2018, a lot of people have put down the old school, high nicotine and very unhealthy second hand smoke causing cigarettes, and have instead chose to use e-cigs that contain eliquid, which have proven to be highly chosen over regular cigarettes. E-cigs are thought to be less harmful to your lungs than cigarettes because they contain no tobacco, but they still provide the same nicotine as a cigarette. E-cigs are sold in over 65,000 retail locations, so they are easy to find for purchase. Besides being healthier, E-cigs are also less costly in the long run. Finding the best E-cig can be a little confusing, but there’s a few things to keep in mind when purchasing an E-cig. You want the best overall taste, for sure. Out of all the E-cigs out there, these are the top rated and most liked by customers in 2018.

With all the choices out there, the first pick overall, and winner for best taste and quality is the Halo Cig. It has the look and feel of a regular cigarette, and it feels and tastes like one when your smoking it. It comes in many colors and so many flavors that it’s a must to check out when purchasing an E-cig. The eliquid choices are the best of any of the e-cigs out there. The Halo G6 provides the same hit to your throat as a traditional cigarette, and you can find coupons for purchasing one online, just with a quick search. The Halo is one to consider.

Coming in second place, a super close second place though is the V2 Cigs brand. This company is one of the oldest e-cig companies out there, and has built a great reputation, over the years. They keep improving their selections on ejuice and have some of the richest flavors out there on the market today. The price is a little higher than that of a Halo, but the customer service is amazing and well worth the extra money for something built to last. You can also find coupons for V2, and while they run a little higher, in the end they are cheaper than smoking traditional cigarettes.

The Juul has placed at third place, however do not let that stop you from thinking it’s one of the best on the market today. Juul was the first brand to release the pod style electronic e-cig and it remains the best on the market today. Juul delivers an e-cig that pretty well resembles smoking a real cigarette, and the pods are super simple and easy to replace. They have a huge selection of great tasting vapor ejuice, and have come a long way since first hitting the market and continue to improve yearly. You can also find coupons for the Juul online, so no matter which e-cig you end up choosing, you are sure to find a smoking deal on it, and choosing one of the top three from 2018 just got easier and more cost effective.

What are some of the benefits of smoking cannabis?

What are some of the benefits of smoking cannabis?

If you are considering smoking cannabis for some of the health benefits you may gain from it, you may want to know what are some of the benefits, and why so many people smoke it for their health.


After all, while cannabis has been historically used as a way to simply get high, in recent years it has also been used for its health properties.

Cannabis relaxes you — Otherwise known as medical marijuana, cannabis is often smoked due to its ability to make you relaxed.


If you suffer from a high-stress job, are anxious due to an illness you are currently suffering from, or even suffer from extreme anxiety, cannabis can help calm you down and relax.


Helps with insomnia — So many people now have problems sleeping, it is no wonder cannabis is being used as a way to get a good night’s sleep.


It generally works by relaxing your body and mind, eliminating stress and thus making it far easier for you to sleep simply because you are not worrying about any problems you may have.


It can regulate diabetes — Many people do not know this, but cannabis actually regulates insulin production. That means, if you are suffering from diabetes, you may find you do a lot better monitoring your insulin if you smoke cannabis now and again.


It helps with staying slim — Overall, those people who regularly smoke cannabis tend to be thinner than those that do not. This is believed to be due to its ability to regulate the production of insulin in your body, which also has an effect on your calorie intake.


Improving depression — So many people suffer from depression nowadays, and most take traditional anti-depressants that often have a lot of side effects.


Smoking cannabis can actually treat your depression with no side effects, and be far more successful in eliminating your depression than a typical medication.


Help with bone healing — Interesting, people who smoke cannabis and break a bone will usually experience their bones healing far faster than those people who do not. Thisis thought to be due to the ability of cannabis to interact with collagen, thus speeding up your body’s healing process include its ability to mend bones.


A glaucoma treatment — One of the reasons many people smoke cannabis or medical marijuana is because it has been proven to treat glaucoma effectively. It does this by reducing the pressure on the eyes, helping people see better than they could before using it.


Aids in treating arthritis and rheumatism pain — People suffering from severe pain report relief when smoking cannabis regularly.


This is particularly relevant for those suffering from arthritis or rheumatism pain as cannabis has been used to treat this kind of pain for many years.


These are just some of the benefits of smoking cannabis, but there are many more. In fact, if you are currently suffering from a health issue, smoking cannabis may help you improve it.

Electronic Cigarettes Are Safer Alternative to Traditional Cigarettes

Electronic Cigarettes Are Safer Alternative to Traditional Cigarettes


Smoking cigarettes was once an indicator of status in society. In the 1950’s and 60’s, smoking was seen as fashionable or “cool”. This idea has since gone out the window with the realization that cigarettes are incredibly harmful, causing health concerns like throat and lung cancer. While the majority of the world recognizes that smoking cigarettes is a lethal habit, many people still enjoy the sensation of smoking. The recent invention of vaping, or smoking electronic cigarettes, has proven to be a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes.


They Have Fewer Chemicals

The greatest offense of traditional cigarettes are the chemicals and additives that they contain. Traditional cigarettes are comprised of harmful chemicals like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, ammonia, butane, hydrogen cyanide and more. All of these chemicals are known to be carcinogens and are not intended for human consumption. Electronic cigarettes, on the other hand, do not contain these chemicals. The Eliquid used in most electronic cigarettes is comprised of only four ingredients including glycerin and food-grade flavoring. These chemicals are completely safe for human consumption.


There’s No Second-Hand Smoke

One of the great evils of smoking traditional cigarettes is that you expose the people around you to harmful second-hand smoke. When you smoke a traditional cigarette, you exhale all of the lethal toxins out into the air around you for the people in your immediate area to breathe in. While you may be okay with inhaling carcinogens, those around you probably are not. In this area, electronic cigarettes are clearly a better option. Electronic cigarettes are also known as vaporizers because they work by heating e-liquid and producing a vapor or steam. The vapor that is exhaled when smoking an electronic cigarette has shown to be relatively harmless compared to the toxic fumes a traditional cigarette would produce. This is why you may see public spaces allowing individuals to smoke electronic cigarettes.


They’re Better for the Environment

A final benefit to opting for electronic cigarettes over traditional ones is that electronic cigarettes are much better for the environment. The obvious reason for this is that electronic cigarettes are not releasing the same toxins into the air that traditional cigarettes are. Another reason can be found in the design and packaging of an electronic cigarette. By using an electronic cigarette, you are significantly cutting down on the physical waste that is produced by traditional cigarettes. Someone who smokes traditional cigarettes is constantly buying packs of them and then disposing of their cigarette butts, sometimes in the trash but often just onto the ground. The use of an electronic cigarette eliminates this. You have one cigarette that you can use for years at a time.



There are numerous reasons that transitioning to electronic cigarettes is beneficial to yourself and those around you. From the absence of harmful chemicals to the reduction of waste in the environment, it is clear that electronic cigarettes are the safer alternative to traditional cigarettes.

Get your Beach Body Ready with Kayla Itsines’ BBG Workout

Get your Beach Body Ready with Kayla Itsines’ BBG Workout

The Kayla Itsines Program

As the first days of summer begin, many women try to get in their best possible shape to show of their bikini body. While it’s easy to pledge to work out and eat healthy, sticking to that pledge isn’t always so easy. One good way to meet your goals is to create a plan to achieve the body you want. But when you making a plan is difficult and you aren’t sure where to start, sometimes what’s needed is some professional advice. If you want to get in your best bikini shape ever, you might want to try fitness icon Kayla Itsines’ Bikini Body Guide (BBG.) The Kayla Itsines BBG Workout is a twelve-week program to get you ready to flaunt your bikini body. By following the plan, you can kick-start your metabolism and get in the best shape of your like, and it works for women of all body sizes! Kayla’s plan has two parts, one focused on bikini body workouts and the other on eating healthy and clean.

12-Week Workout Plan

First, there is the 12-week workout program, which features quick, well-explained exercises to burn fat and tone your core muscles. The exercises start out easy and then increase in difficulty later on, making it easy for beginners to jump in without plateauing early. The guide teaches effective cardio methods, teaches you to target problem areas, and features workouts that take under 30 minutes to complete, making it perfect even for the busiest of women.

Having said that, you can find a lot awesome workouts with Kayla on YouTube, like this one:

Eat Better and Feel Better

The other part of Kayla’s method is the 90-page clean eating plan. This section first teaches women how to eat clean and the benefits of healthy eating, before offering recipes and cooking suggestion. The guide highlights certain foods you should eat, such as fat-burning foods, as well as foods you should avoid and why. While Kayla’s clean eating plan will speed up your metabolism and help burn fat, that doesn’t mean the food isn’t delicious! The guide offers examples of tasty recipes cooked with healthy ingredients to help get you started. Eating clean will not only help you burn fat and get in great shape, but it will also improve everything from your mood to sleep to the shine of your hair. A vegetarian clean eating guide is also available now for those with dietary restrictions.

Ebook Available Anywhere With Online Discounts

Because the BBG guide is in ebook form, it is available instantly wherever you are, be it at home or on vacation in the Caribbean. To date, the guide has worked wonders for thousands of women around the world, and has been featured in various publications from Today to Women’sHealth to the New York Times. Best of all, discounts as high as 80% are now available on the complete BBG workout program bundle, making it affordable as well as effective. If you’ve been longing for your perfect bikini body but had trouble sticking to your plan or achieving results, look to the Kayla Itsene’s Bikini Body Guide to help.

Stomach Ache? Digestion Problems? What to do?

Stomach Ache? Digestion Problems? What to do?

There is nothing more frustrating than chronic or reoccurring stomach problems—especially those that grow worse over time. Symptoms can include nausea, diarrhea, cramps, constipation, heartburn and anything in between. These are very common ailments that many people suffer from, but most people do not know there are permanent solutions to these uncomfortable issues. Before you reach for another temporary over the counter fix, consider booking an appointment with a gastroenterologist or also known as a GI tract doctor.

Signs To Look For
Digestive problems are fairly common, but any ailment persisting for more than a few days or even one that seems to be a reoccurring issue should signal that you need to visit a doctor. To know how they could be caused, you should take a look at how our digestions system actually works:

People with acid reflux and heartburn should make a gastroenterology appointment if their symptoms have persisted for over a year or are not being controlled by their current medication. Blood in the stool or vomit is also a big indicator that a doctor visit is in order. If you feel your bowels are not emptying or have not emptied at all in at least two weeks, it is urgent you make a doctor appointment. While this issue is may seem embarrassing, it is very serious and should not be ignored. Other alarming issues that require a gastroenterologist’s attention include difficulty swallowing, weight loss or gain, frequent choking, pain or distress in the chest, or chronic constipation and diarrhea. As a general rule, anyone over the age of 55 should have an endoscopy and colonoscopy every year to detect signs of cancer and other age related problems.

Discover The Cause
A gastroenterologist will do a full work up, consider all your symptoms, and make a diagnosis. Instead of throwing temporary fixes your way, they will really search for the root of the issue in order to confront it head on. Occasionally these issues are simply caused by dietary choices and can be remedied with a healthier lifestyle. Once a dietary problem had been ruled out, the gastroenterologist will be able to determine if the condition is pathological. In order to get a real answer, you need to be completely honest with your gastroenterologist about your symptoms and lifestyle. From here, the doctor will be able to determine what the issue is and prescribe a plan to treat and cure it.

Go Today

Don’t wait!

It is important that you do not put off going to the gastroenterologist. While these issues may seem common and might not even be severe enough to make you think you need a doctor, they can worsen if not confronted immediately. Some can even develop into life threatening conditions. It is best to confront it head on when the situation is still manageable. Many types of stomach and bladder cancers go undetected because the symptoms are so often ignored or considered insignificant. If anything, getting checked out by a gastroenterologist will rule out a more serious problem.

No matter the result, you will be put at ease knowing what the cause of your stomach issues is. No longer will you need to suffer through digestive pains or spend money on temporary fixes. Make an appointment with your gastroenterologist and find the real origin of the problem.